Post by ♥Picasso on Oct 20, 2010 17:54:13 GMT
[atrb=border,0,true][atrb=cellSpacing,0,true][atrb=cellPadding,0,true][atrb=width,450,true] | [atrb=background,http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d146/---Kirstie---/florencetop3.png]
Has Florence chosen herself, she would've put Panja in the warriors, as his brute strength would be excellent in battle. He could kill many dogs with those large paws and the gigantic jaw. Florence could almost imagine him leading the Pride into war, at the front ready to attack. She nodded in understanding once he mentioned that he was a terrible hunter. It was understandable with the colour of his fur, actually. Florence often found it difficult to find prey inside the city, and would often have to venture out to the country where her pelt would match the landscape a little better. Of course, it would never be as good as hiding in the African Savannah but the long, thick grass in the meadow was perfect. Florence often had a stash of food from her hunters anyway, which was often stocked up for winter, but had she had an unsuccessful hunt, Florence would feast upon some of the meat there.
Once Panja mentioned becoming a warrior, her heart rose. An excellent choice, if she said so herself. Florence was looking forward to the battles to come. Had he joined a few months prior the fight between the Iris and the Tempest, then perhaps it would've gone a little differently. Two lions instead of one may have been the deciding point on whether Gravity got out or not. It angered her that Gravity had slipped through her claws like that, but she decided to stop thinking about it. She couldn't change the past, she had learned that very early on. Now she could just look into the future, and see what she could do next. Instead of focusing on the Tempest Pack, Florence was far more interested in Streiter the lion, whom Florence looked forward to meeting. That reminded her that she really should venture close to the Tribelands, in hope to catch him and have a decent conversation with him.
Suddenly, Panja changed his mind, and decided to be a guard instead. Well, that could still be beneficial, she guessed. "A guard it is, however, bear in mind that is a very responsible position. Should you let a dog slip through the net, your head will be on the chopping block." It was a fair enough warning. She had to keep trespassers out, unless they wanted to join, and she very much doubted that dogs would want to join her Pride. Today, the guards had been good enough at surrounding Panja, yet none of them had sounded the alarm, and had instead just stood there like lemons whilst Panja roared for her. They were useless, and maybe Panja would be a better guard than they were. Florence opened her mouth to reply to his question, "Of course. You may speak with me whenever you so wish. In fact," She added, "I'd be delighted to do some 'plotting' with you. I'm sure with your brain we can think up great things together."
Florence smiled and stopped at the edge of the roof again, peering up at the moon. She'd just gained a great ally, and she had better not let him go. Besides, Florence genuinely liked this lion, and hoped he would stick with her and the pride. ___________;
the count; 537 the song; star mile - joshua radin the characters; florrie, panja the summary; florrie just warns him about his decision and admits to herself that she likes him? XD the other;
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